Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Anthrocon 2017 Fursuit Photo Commissions Are Open!

I'm doing fursuit photo commissions at Anthrocon again this year! I'm open for ten slots. Here are the details...

Price: $60 for a single suiter, $85 for couples, paid up front. This includes a $15 non-refundable deposit.

What you get:

  • Five guaranteed good shots that I process (full-sized, unwatermarked) as JPG files
  • JPGs of every shot I take (including copies of the processed ones), full-sized, unprocessed, and without a watermark
  • Note: I retain the rights to crop, watermark, and post any of the shots I take. 

Cancellation policy: As stated, the price includes a non-refundable deposit. If for some reason I miss our shoot and am not able to reschedule, I will give a full refund.

For examples of my work, check out my galleries...
Photo commissions from previous clients:
Furry Network:

Each session will take about half an hour. I take several shots and will have more than just the five shots that turn out really well. I highly recommend you have a handler with you, as we might need to cross a street or two to get to a good photo spot, and I don't have any handler experience. We may also need to move locations, depending on weather, too many people, etc. Location examples are: DLCC roof, DLCC garden, the riverside across from the convention center, a garden across from the Westin.

If you're interested, please send me a private message on FurAffinity/Weasyl/Furry Network or message me on Telegram (same username), and we can work out a time and location. Payment must be done through PayPal before the convention; when we've confirmed the details of your shoot, I will ask for your PayPal information and will send you an invoice, which MUST be paid before Anthrocon begins (Thursday, June 29th). I CANNOT accept money at Anthrocon as I am not a dealer, I can only take the photos there. (I've been informed by a top member of Anthrocon staff that this is their policy and I could be banned for accepting money at the convention.)


1. Goku

2. Red Laurent and Oliver

3. Minion and Fang








Looking Back: Photo Commissions (Photo heavy!)

At previous Anthrocons, I'd see many other photographers around, carrying anything from a basic point-and-shoot on up to DSLRs on harness rigs with bulky flashes and massive lenses. Yet, I'd also notice these photographers were often around only for specific events, like the parade. Judging by the journal entries and social media posts following Anthrocon, few of these photographers even put their shots online. So before Anthrocon in 2016, I had the idea of doing fursuit photo commissions. I'd take several shots of a suiter, have them pick out a few to be processed, and then give them full-sized, unwatermarked copies of all of the shots taken. Commissioners could be guaranteed to get photos of themselves at the convention, and I could earn some pocket money for the con. I opened for a few slots, which surprisingly filled very quickly, and made enough from it to cover my admission to the con and a couple of items from the dealer's den. Since then, I've continued doing commissions for locals around the city, and am looking forward to doing more for the next convention.

Below are the cropped and watermarked versions of shots chosen for processing by the commissioners. They were very happy with the results! More of my photos from Anthrocon and other events can be viewed in my Flickr gallery!

Red Laurent (Anthrocon 2016)

Red Laurent (Anthrocon 2016)

Red Laurent (Anthrocon 2016)

Red Laurent (Anthrocon 2016)

Icci (Anthrocon 2016)

Icci (Anthrocon 2016)

Icci (Anthrocon 2016)

Icci (Anthrocon 2016)

Goku (Anthrocon 2016)

Goku (Anthrocon 2016)

Goku (Anthrocon 2016)

Goku (Anthrocon 2016)

Larka (Anthrocon 2016)

Larka (Anthrocon 2016)

Larka (Anthrocon 2016)

Larka (Anthrocon 2016)

ChisCringle (Anthrocon 2016)

ChisCringle (Anthrocon 2016)

ChisCringle (Anthrocon 2016)

ChisCringle (Anthrocon 2016)

Digeri and Corn Husky

Digeri and Corn Husky, March 2016

Corn Husky, March 2016

Digeri and Corn Husky, March 2016

Sebastian Silverfox

Sebastian Silverfox, July 2016

Sebastian Silverfox, July 2016

Sebastian Silverfox, July 2016


Goku, August 2016

Goku, August 2016

Goku, August 2016

Diesel and Bazooka

Bazooka and Diesel, August 2016

Bazooka, August 2016

Diesel, August 2016

Buckley and Rabid

Buckley and Rabid, September 2016

Buckley and Rabid, September 2016

Buckley and Rabid, September 2016

Looking Back: Anthrocon (Photo heavy!)

Anthrocon is the largest furry convention in the world (though it may have already been surpassed as I write this!), and is hosted right here in Pittsburgh. Lucky for me! There are literally thousands of suiters wandering around, and settings like the roof of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center and downtown Pittsburgh make great backdrops. There is also a fursuit parade, which loops through the inside and outside of the convention center, drawing large crowds of Pittsburghers.

More photos can be viewed in my Flickr gallery!


Anthrocon 2014

Anthrocon 2014

Anthrocon 2014

Anthrocon 2014


Anthrocon 2015

Anthrocon 2015

Anthrocon 2015

Anthrocon 2015

Anthrocon 2015

Anthrocon 2015

Anthrocon 2015

Anthrocon 2015

Anthrocon 2015

Anthrocon 2015


Anthrocon 2016

Anthrocon 2016

Anthrocon 2016

Anthrocon 2016

Anthrocon 2016

Anthrocon 2016

Anthrocon 2016

Anthrocon 2016

Anthrocon 2016

Anthrocon 2016

Anthrocon 2016